Michael Roach

Michael Roach joined the army at the start of 2002 and was an armoured vehicle commander completing two tours of Iraq before finishing up as a recruit instructor at Kapooka Home of the Soldier. He started a career in fitness at the end of 2009 but became inspired by CrossFit athletes after watching the 2010 Australian regional. 'I remember thinking to myself wow' how do these guys do it!" He remembers playing around with CrossFit until making the first Australian Regional and after that he took on a more serious approach and had taken a position at CrossFit 2600 as a coach.
He has since competed in the last two Australian regionals. His goals are to just become the best he can and to find the best programming to get him there as he will never stop CrossFitting. "I love 21.15.NINE for not only the quality of goods but because of the driving force behind them, the values that they seek and the contribution they return back towards the military and crossfit communities a like."
With impressive stats like these: 112kg snatch, 120kg clean & jerk, 205 DeadLift, 175 Back Squat. 2.20 Fran, 420 reps Fight Gone Bad. 78 Pull Ups, 18.30 5km run and 6.54 2km row, 21.15.NINE is super excited to have Michael on board!